I always feel the editor’s statement is a little unnecessary. After all, these poems need no introduction. They are beautiful and complete as individuals and as a collection. So by all means, feel free to skip ahead. But if you’re interested in how I would frame them, I would say: here are some poets who chose to breathe through this year. Sometimes they responded directly to the world’s events, sometimes they offered reprieve from them. As you read, my hope is that they give you a chance to take the kind of full breath you might need right now. Let these poems give you permission to come up for air.

Abigail Michelini
Poetry Editor


In tumultuous times such as these, I still find poetry to be a great solace of mine. These poems left a strong impression on me not because they acted as a great escape from many of the current issues plaguing the world, but because they managed to succinctly convey many feelings that I often have trouble putting into words. I hope that as you read the poetry in this issue, that you too, find yourself riveted by the sense of humanity demonstrated in each poem.

Izumi Kuroda
Poetry Intern


The Poems


Dariana Alvarez


priscilla atkins


Minay Baltazar

While we stay at home

Charles becker


elizabeth bolton


beth boylan

birds of paradise

leah browning

the last breath

chanice cruz

quiet as chickens

carlos dejuana

tennessee twilight

Alfred Fournier

coriolis, 2005

Jamie gage

cold pastoral

crystal gibbins

July 2019

DJ Hills

My father-in-law

tiffany hsieh


M. Jennings

surface audience

alicia byrne keane


hiram larew

pitty sing

katharyn howd machan

why we needed iceland

rebecca macijeski

reverse angels

megan mccormack

last summer

robert A. Morris

in the black widow’s web

meisha rosenberg


maui smith

all my love, julia

david spicer

when it rains

sarah valeika


michael weber

strawberry gravel

angelica whitehorne

Poetry by Willie Wilson


the total sum of squares

Small Oyster 2.0.png