Playing God: A Fun Game for Kids

Steviee Geagan

Granddad’s thick, tree root fingers seized the strands of Spider-Man’s webbing strewn onto the

worn cotton of my pajama shirt and heaved my grass-smeared slippers up the moss-padded

cement steps to where my little graveyard lied.

Below the patio table, a row of halved worms rested peacefully. Each one with their own

headstone crafted of syrup-stained popsicle sticks. The jokes (respectfully) scratched out with


A gust of wind entered through the hollow in Granddad’s face. Why exited.

To see if one half could live without the other.

His roots unearth from my shirt.

I sucked the dried mud from under my fingernails.

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Steviee Geagan is an emerging writer born and raised all around the Western Pennsylvania area. He has appeared in Pulp, The Siren, and was a finalist in the Roadrunner Review’s 2019 Writing Contest. When Steviee isn’t reading submissions for BatCat Press or Pulp, he desperately pleads with his well-loved Mr. Coffee to brew enough joe to last the night.