Technology & FingerPrints

Zorina Frey

Binary sensory

cannot sense when

it's time to slow down, speed up,

or pause

My hand controls muffled moans,

gripping technology

is an on & off thing

humming between wings, it sings

the song of ex-machina.

One tune.

One note.

It keeps going after I’ve arrived.

Feeling disconnected.

Fingers cheated

from the song of me. I am the key,

the notes in the music tinkering.

Replaced with technology

leaving me weak.

I'd rather play musical prints.


Zorina Exie Frey is an essayist, screenwriter, and spoken word artist working as a publishing content writer and digital designer. She is also an MFA candidate at Converse University studying Poetry and Creative Nonfiction. Her writings are featured in ShondalandShoutout MiamiChicken Soup for the Soul: I’m Speaking Now and 2022’s The American Journal of Poetry. Socials:, FB, IG, & Twitter: @zorinaexie, LinkedIn: @zorinafrey