The Indentured Social Contract
Reuben Evans
Dictator of deeds, and a memorandum of morals as we’re unconsciously obligated to comply.
This is how to enlist as eligible in the collective of American culture, constrain yourself to the
chains and shackles the constitution callously left your truths out of. Ooh black man sign this
indentured social contract as another form of servitude thinly veiled as a different broken
promise of freedom. Conned into being casted without complexity or agency, don’t relent instead
resist this notion of being brainless.
1. Sambo - “Happy slave” jubilant and juvenile simple-minded sambo is the
overgrown child always happy to serve his massa. Rely solely on your brute and
jock as that’s the paved path out of poverty. Partake in the pretense that your
abilities and talents are only that of athleticism and aggression. Laziness and
lameness are not your natural state of being, crooked are the contrivances of
systemic oppression inhumanly calculated against your person. “They seem a
happy race of beings...” was another “little” white lie that has been contorted into
the belief of being a biological truth, passed on from generation to generation.
Dismantle these deceptive devices and update the mechanics of your masculinity.
2. Jim Crow - “Blackface” Daringly dipping their paint brushes in dark palettes a
mask of utter mockery was brought about. Purely from the performance of their
poisonous proclivities, the birth of black face developed in the womb of fear and
vulgar jealousy. Portrayals of our persons grotesquely exaggerated in order to
exude a theatrical performance pumped full of falsehoods. Fearful of the
fellowship knitted into the fabric of our kinships and culture. Rich vile venom
courses through the etiquette of their elders, clenching onto the conduct of the Jim
Crow. Envious of the excellent and extraordinary essences embedded in our
kinetic kicks of joy, exported from the rich lands of Egypt. Biting back with bitter
bylaws “crossing your feet against the lord...” they cold heartedly crowed.
Fracture these constraints with each ecstatic eruption of independence,
acknowledge your ancestry and assert an agency unique to your being.
3. The Savage - “Dark continent” Determined to disparage the dark continent
vehemently vile persons persuaded the public that your glint gleam and glow
warranted the worst acts of violent wildness. Ironically ingraining a concept of
savagery into silhouettes of siblings and cousins alike. Anxiously branding blacks
to be the apex of apes, unable to master the minds of these “monkey” men they
monstrously crafted mediums to transmit their tales of taut turbulence. With their
only target being the diabolical demolition of dark individuals equipped with
eloquence and artfulness. These tactless tactics became the mother that was the
“Birth of a Nation” that blindly and moronically hissed hums of hatred.
Accumulate your intellect and unapologetically arrest your abilities that will lead
you to prosperity.
This indentured social contract was signed in burnet blood that was thoughtlessly tarred and
feathered to fit the formalities of compliance in order to counter the innumerable ingenious that
has been entrusted into your very heredity, residing somberly within inherited helms. Become
chieftains of candor and kindness, embrace and encourage as a means of rejection to the rigid ⅗
definitions of your personhood that have been pounded into these poorly produced programs of