
Raven Cole

Sister, we are 7 years old

I am telling you a story about three little pigs

and a wolf and you are laughing and wanting to be the pig with the brick house

then we are 12 years old and we are bleeding confusion and anger

cursing the feminine parts of ourselves for being too much too soon

and we build straw houses right next to each other because don't know where to find bricks

and we are 17 and we love him

We are 18 and we love ourselves

We are 19 and now we don't love either

We are 20 when we try to be big bad wolves but it feels like too little too late and we don't even know why we care these pigs anyway

We are 21 and I am telling you the story of us and how the women in our family have been building houses with their bodies since forever and how wolves have always come to blow them down

and you

sister, you

are howling


Raven J. Cole is a teacher, YA/poetry writer, and book nerd from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She received her B.A. at Louisiana State University where she studied English and secondary education with concentrations in critical pedagogy and community-based learning spaces.Her poetry can be found in Black Napkin Press, The Fable Online, and at the bottom of most pots of gumbo.

Website: RavenJCole.com 

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @ravenjcole.