Eidola of duality | ytilaud fo alodiE | V.S. Rakenduvadhana

V. S. Rakenduvadhana

A digital painting divided down the center. Each side shows a portrait of a masculine figure in a blue sweater with light brown wavy hair, light skin, and a neutral, aged expression gazing out at the viewer, head-to-head with its mirror image.

V.S. Rakenduvadhana is an Indian writer, poet & visual artist based in Helsinki. While her diurnal energies are devoted to her work as a neuroscientist, she has had a lifelong nocturnal affair with philosophy, music, and art in its many forms. Her works are published/forthcoming in magazines including Indianapolis Review, Camas, Rigorous, Amethyst Review, Arboreal, The Ear and decomp. The pluralistic framework of her art examines the deific, Meta and the mystical in the banal. Through her heterogenous and interdisciplinary endeavors, she emphasizes a stance of operating without dissecting science, art and philosophy. Her recent art pieces depict the inextricable and innate divinity of tellurian forms: expressed as platonic, organic and anthropoid hymns.

Website: www.rakenduvadhana.com

Hannah Hirano