Nam Tran
As a devout Buddhist, monks/nuns have been prevalent in my mother's life ever since she was a little girl. That being said, photographic documentation came naturally as a way for my mother to capture the memories of her outings with these individuals. And when she had me, the photography continued. This time with her son included alongside the figures who became like family. From being held in their arms with mountains in the background to being adorned with Vietnamese straw hats far too large for my then tiny head. Although my mother knew the monk in the photo since he was but a young disciple, I never got pictures with him because my mother no longer lived near the temple when I was born. It wasn't until the past two years or so that my mother was able to connect with him again by chance through a mutual friend. The image is my way of continuing the photographic tradition my mother began many years ago. Except this time with a monk I never got the privilege of meeting. Like I always say, the best way to make up for memories never made is by creating new ones of your own.
About the artist
Nam Hoang Tran is a writer and photographer living in Orlando, FL. You can find more of his work online at He enjoys scones.