The Deed

Taunja Thomson

Clad in colors of twilight

sheen of periwinkle and amethyst

I climb over mud and coarse hills

between glowering jagged pines

and trees bent like old men

shadows behind me

and before me

under a sky full of clouds

wrestling with one another

their centers grey

their edges flushed.

I climb and wave my censer—

a green as high as an olive tree

as deep as an ocean trench

as thick as moss

as old as verdigris


a signal to ravens and wind

and creeping moonflower

to come and settle

inside me.

What have you done,

they say, Woman,

what have you done?

oyster small (1).png

t.m. thomson’s work has most recently appeared in Optimum Magazine and Niveous Magazine and will appear in Voice of Eve and Aji in the upcoming months. Three of her poems have been nominated for Pushcart Awards: “Seahorse and Moon” in 2005, “I Walked Out in January” in 2016, and “Strum and Lull” in 2018. She has co-authored Frame and Mount the Sky, a chapbook of ekphrastic poetry (2017); her chapbook, Strum and Lull, placed in Golden Walkman’s 2017 chapbook competition and will be published in the upcoming months; and her chapbook, The Profusion, is due out in 2019. She has a writer’s page at

Abby Michelini