A Color Subsumed by Iggy Oddity


I. In ancient languages, a missing color. There was no word to describe blue. The color subsumed by gray, green. Mystery stretched like a syllable.

II. Prose cannot contain blue, it transcends and collects time. Ancient people were wise not to name something so immense, cosmic. A color so sacred we do not deserve it.

III. When Icarus was burned by the promise of flight, was he killed by sky-blue or a wine-dark horizon? In dreams, the sun held in his palm, a violent and beautiful fire.

IV. Comma to breath blue, pathways to veins. The heart is a starved root, blood mythologicalized, creating itself.

V. History distilled into common blues: butterfly wing. I have been eaten away by the color, the fabric of my body is a changing, shifting thing. We either hate or worship what we don’t understand.


Iggy Oddity is a nonbinary musician, poet and digital artist based in the Chicago area. In 2017, they founded Cinema in Paradise, a magazine dedicated to celebrating the legacy of film throughout time. Their debut album, Desired Particle is currently streaming on all platforms.

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