important information
Dates: Sundays, March 9-30, 2025
Location: Online, through Google Classroom
Cost: $120
o Weekly virtual sessions, 1.5 hours on Sundays. We’ll decide the time that is convenient for majority of the participants based on their location, e.g., 1 pm UK time.
o Participants will workshop one story draft during the course, up to 5,000 words.
o Each session will be split into two parts – in the first part we will do some revising exercises together. The second part will be devoted to workshopping the submitted pieces.
o Asynchronous discussions and feedback will continue on Slack throughout.
o Participants are encouraged to spend time reading and commenting on each other’s work. Expected preparation time before each session is about 1 hour per week.
o Creating our shared archive: In addition to resources shared by the instructor, we will create a collaborative reading resource where participants share craft pieces and short stories they admire.
playing with revision: A fiction short story workshop
Aim of the workshop: What do you do when you are done with a draft for your short story? How long do you keep tinkering with it before it is done? Is the draft trying to tell you something? Can you hear it? In this workshop, we will examine our relationship with revision and why it feels daunting. Through fun exercises and shared experiences, we will get to know revision better, get more comfortable with it, and maybe, just maybe, even begin to enjoy it! In addition, participants will have the opportunity to workshop one story with the group. If, like so many of us, you too have multiple story drafts lying around and cannot decide what to do with them next, this workshop offers a play-based approach to revisiting and revising those drafts.
Who will benefit from it: Recommended for fiction writers, especially short story writers, although these approaches apply to novel excerpts just as well. Participants will be invited to share a 1,000 word sample of their fiction writing while registering. This may or may not be the piece they submit for workshop later.
Registration: Please send your inquiry and a 1,000 word writing sample (not a barrier to enrollment) to Ron Giddings, Schools Administrator: schools{at}oysterriverpages{dot}com ( You may also contact Ron for inquires. The workshop is capped at 4 participants.
Testimonial about Nidhi’s Previous ORP Class:
This workshop gave me a level of confidence I previously lacked in my writing. Through collaboration, constructive feedback and careful analysis of established works, I was able to pinpoint what was missing in my pieces and take the steps needed to begin improving them. Nidhi is a natural teacher and a very talented writer whose deep understanding of literary fiction proves itself in her insightful feedback. I can’t recommend this course enough, as it not only improved my writing skills but gave me the tools needed to be a better reader as well. I met some great people, learned a lot, and ultimately became a better writer due to this course. It was an overall amazing experience.