Chris is a writer and librarian in San Francisco. His work has been featured in Carbon Culture Review, Eclectica Magazine, The Laurel Review, Transfer, and the upcoming 42 Stories anthology. His story “The Psychic and the Foodie” received second place in the 2018 Bethlehem Writers Roundtable short story contest. You can find him at @Chris_S_Burns, @RantyLibrarian, and
Gina lives in New Orleans. Her work has appeared in numerous journals including The Briar Cliff Review, The Poetry Ireland Review, and Callaloo. She has three full length collections, Ethereal Avalanche (Trembling Pillow Press), Amber Porch Light (CW Books) and Fitting the Sixth Finger (Aldrich Press).
Emily is a Cameroonian American woman raised in Miami, Florida. She currently studies film and philosophy at Mount Holyoke College in western Massachusetts. Writing and story-telling have been an important part of her life since childhood, and she hopes that her work can help give voice to other marginalized groups. This is her first published work.
Ginnie worked as a massage therapist for over twenty-five years. She teaches meditation and writing workshops at the Monadnock Mindfulness Practice Center in Keene, New Hampshire. Her poetry has appeared in The Literary Review, The Worcester Review, THEMA, Primavera, Slipstream, The Greensboro Review. She is currently working on a novel which explores returning to mundane life after a mystical experience that starts at the brink of death.
Suzy is a retired attorney. Her poems have appeared in Calyx, Rain, VoiceCatcher, Windfall, anthologies published by the Poetry Box, and an anthology called Come Shining: Essays and Poems on Writing in a Dark Time. She has several poems forthcoming in an anthology called Body Politic: Illustrated poems about the body and disability. She lives in Portland, OR.
Renee is a confessed English major and out transgender author who is also a spouse, parent, grandparent, and Vietnam veteran. Her most recent novel, Seven Suspects (Oceanview Publishing, 2017), focuses on Bobbi Logan, a Chicago transwoman whose business and family are under siege by a mysterious stalker who gets closer and more violent every day.
Kevin lives in Connecticut with his beautiful wife, Tamara, and his daughter, August, and son, Roscoe. He recently finished writing a novel set in Russia between 1999 and 2000. This story is from a collection of stories set in California where he was born and raised.
Mare lives in an old school house overlooking The Rondout Creek. Away from her own personal blackboard, she teaches through the Institute for Writing and Thinking and the MAT program at Bard College. She has published four chapbooks of poetry and a new one, The Dark Inside the Hooded Coat is available at Finishing Line Press. One of her poems, published in A Pickled Body, was recently nominated for a pushcart.
Mary is a clinical psychologist and author who lives in beautiful Southern Maine. She has published essays on NPR, Mothers Always Write, Brain, and Child Magazine, among others. Her memoir, I Know it in My Heart: Walking through Grief with a Child (May 2017) was recently chosen as the Independent Publishers of New England 2018 Book of the Year. You can find Mary on Facebook, at, and
Sarah Russell’s work has been published in Third Wednesday, Kentucky Review, Red River Review, Misfit Magazine, and Psaltery and Lyre, among other print and online journals and anthologies. She was a 2017 Pushcart Prize nominee. Her first poetry collection, I Lost Summer Somewhere, was published in May by Kelsay Press. She blogs at
Susan lives in Morgantown, West Virginia. She has published two books, THE GOD OF ROUNDABOUTS and SHIP OF LIGHT, as well as a chapbook, COAL. Her recent poems appear in such journals as MINERVA RISING and KAKALAK 18.
Pat’s poems have been published in various journals including Haunted Waters Press, Clover, a Literary Rag, San Pedro River Review, Slipstream, Gold Man Review and elsewhere. She is a former Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee.
Three of T. M. Thomson’s poems have been nominated for Pushcart Awards. She is co-author of Frame and Mount the Sky (2017) and author of Strum and Lull (2019), which placed in Golden Walkman’s 2017 chapbook competition, and The Profusion (2019). Her passions include kickboxing, playing in mud, and savoring art.