The Contributors
to the fourth annual issue
Ope Adedeji dreams about bridging the gender equality gap and destroying the patriarchy. She is a lawyer and editor. Her work has appeared on Arts and Africa, Afreada, Catapult, McSweeney's Quarterly and is forthcoming in others. She was shortlisted for the 2018 Koffi Addo Prize for Creative Nonfiction, is an Artist Managers and Literary Activists fellow and is the winner of the 2019 Brittle Paper Awards For Fiction. She is a nominee for the US National Magazine Award For Fiction for her story published in McSweeney's Quarterly. She is an alumnus of the 2018 Purple Hibiscus Trust Creative Writing Workshop taught by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. If you do not find her reading, you'll find her writing. She is on Twitter: @opeeee_ and Instagram: @opeadede
Ope Adedeji

Isabel Armiento studies English at the University of Toronto, where she founded a campus literary blog, Mnerva, and is editor-in-chief of a campus newspaper. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in The Walrus, The Mighty Line, Adelaide Literary Journal, and elsewhere. She was a winner of the Hart House Literary Competition for prose fiction.
Isabel Armiento

Minay Baltazar is passionate about poetry and photography. With her work, she explores the personal experiences she often leaves untold and shares the stories that have shaped her. In a time where understanding and compassion are needed most, she aspires for her poetry to inspire others to let their own voices be heard. You can find more of her work at and more of her self at @minute_maid on Instagram.
Minay Baltazar

Beth Boylan’s poems have appeared in a variety of journals, including Apeiron Review, Chronogram, Cooweescoowee, Dying Dahlia, Gyroscope Review, Jelly Bucket, Whale Road Review, and Wilde. She holds an MA in Literature from Hunter College. Raised in Westchester County, NY, Beth now resides near the ocean in New Jersey, where she spends her time writing and teaching high school English.
Beth Boylan
Laura Cherry is the author of the collection Haunts (Cooper Dillon Books) and the chapbooks Two White Beds (Minerva Rising) and What We Planted (Providence Athenaeum). She co-edited the anthology Poem, Revised (Marion Street Press), and her work has appeared in journals including Antiphon, Ekphrastic Review, and Los Angeles Review. Her website is
Laura Cherry

Chanice Cruz is originally from Brooklyn, New York, and has lived much of her life in Richmond Virginia where she became involved with Slam Richmond. She was a founding member in its first youth slam team Slam Dominion. Her poems “How to be Eaten by a butterfly” has been published in Newtown Literary, Sinister Wisdom, and Luna Magazine, and “The Last Time” has been published in Sinister Wisdom. Instagram: @_chanii.24
Chanice Cruz
Ryan Fiordimondo is a graduate student at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in May 2020. When he is not reading or writing, Ryan loves listening to music and analyzing film. His story “Strays” is his first published work. He can be found on Instagram at @witttoo.
Ryan Fiordimondo

Madeline Furlong is a native of the Pacific Northwest. She received her BA in Women’s and Gender Studies from Wellesley College, and lives, writes, and hunts zombies in Seattle, WA. You can follow her on Instagram @madsmooo.
Madeline Furlong

Carmen Germain is the author of These Things I Will Take with Me (Cherry Grove) and The Old Refusals (MoonPath Press). She divides her time among painting, drawing, and writing. Her work has appeared in Poet Lore, Natural Bridge, and Fifth Wednesday Journal, among other publications.
Carmen Germain

Rhienna Renèe Guedry is a Louisiana-born writer and artist who found her way to the Pacific Northwest, perhaps solely to get use of her vintage outerwear collection. Her work can be found in Empty Mirror, Bitch Magazine, Screen Door, Scalawag Magazine, Taking the Lane, and elsewhere on the internet. Rhienna holds a MS in Writing/Publishing from Portland State University and is currently working on her first novel. Find more about her projects at or on Twitter @chouchoot
Rhienna Renèe Guedry
DJ Hills is a queer writer and theatre artist from the Appalachian Mountains. DJ's writing appears or is forthcoming in 'Appalachian Heritage,' 'Lunch,' 'Arkansas Review,' and elsewhere, and their plays have been produced in and around the Baltimore-D.C. metro area. Find them online at
DJ Hills

M. Jennings lives on the Oregon coast where she is revising two allegorical literary novels. Her short stories have appeared in Hotel Amerika, Fiction Southeast, and Crab Orchard Review. She has been awarded residencies at the MacDowell Colony, Jentel, and the Tyrone Guthrie Centre. You can read more of her work at Her instagram handle is mjennings26.
M. Jennings

Navya Kaur is an emerging writer currently living in the Bay Area. She recently graduated with a B.A. from San José State University where she majored in American Studies and minored in Computer Science. “Cold Bouillabaisse” is her first publication. Read more of her thoughts on her Twitter @sincerelynavya.
Navya Kaur

Vahni Kurra is a fiction and non-fiction writer from disparate parts of the Midwest. She is a graduate of Kenyon College where she worked as a student intern at the Kenyon Review. Her work has been previously published in Hika. Currently, she lives in Rapid City, South Dakota, with her family and mini Australian Shepherd. Instagram: @kurtvahnigut
Vahni Kurra

Richard Lingo is a retired educator who has found his passion in photography. He now travels around one-third of the year in pursuit of just the right shot.
Richard Lingo

Born in Tanzania, of Indian and Seychelles and Euro background. Lived in India for a year. At age 10 moved to the States (all over from the south to the west to the midwest to the east to Alaska). Joined the Army (yes the US one) and deployed to a few places. Always good to see the way Empire works on its fringes, doesn't it? I currently live in Seattle with my wife. Oh, it doesn't really end there, but that should be good for now. For more look me up at: IG: @lowhimsart
Nelson Lowhim
Brian Malone is a writer from New England who is currently based in Moscow, Idaho. This is his first poetry publication, but his nonfiction appears or is forthcoming in Storyscape Journal, Glassworks, Waxwing, and Blue Earth Review.
Brian Malone
Jonathan Mendelsohn lives in Toronto, Canada, with his family. His work has appeared in Prism International, The Toronto Review of Books, Cha: An Asian Literary Review, Blank Pages, The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star. His piece, “Tokyo Tomato” was a finalist for the Southern Indiana Review’s Mary C. Mohr Nonfiction Award. When not writing fiction or his blog [], Jonathan teaches writing and English at York University. You can follow him on Twitter @jm-mendelsohn
Jonathan Mendelsohn

Anna Nguyen was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. She’s currently pursuing a B.A. in English Literature at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington. She has previously been published in Saxifrage.
Anna Nguyen

Stephen Policoff’s first novel, BEAUTIFUL SOMEWHERE ELSE, won the James Jones Award, and was published by Carroll & Graf in 2004. His 2nd novel, COME AWAY, won the Dzanc Award, and was published by Dzanc Books in 2014. His fiction and essays have appeared recently in December, Vol. 1 Brooklyn (Sunday Stories), Provincetown Arts, and many other publications. He is currently Clinical Professor of Writing in Global Liberal Studies at NYU. “Blinkies” is an excerpt from a memoir-in-progress.
Stephen Policoff

Jocelyn Royalty is Maine-based poet and short fiction writer. She is currently pursuing a BFA in creative writing from the University of Maine at Farmington. Previously, she studied at the Educational Center for the Arts in her hometown of New Haven, Connecticut. She aspires to become a writing professor and to own several large dogs. You can find out more on her website
Jocelyn Royalty

Sarah is a New Yorker at soul, teaching English and studying film in Uruguay. She published her first book, "core collection: poems about eating disorders" with Adelaide Books in 2019. Instagram, @ssimon8; Twitter, @smileformebabyg.
Sarah Simon

Judith Spiegel is a retired educator who has found his passion in photography. He now travels around one-third of the year in pursuit of just the right shot. Facebook:
Judith Spiegel

R. Gene Turchin writes short stories across genres and occasional poems. He is currently working on a science fiction novel and comic book scripts. Recent published works can be found in The Sirens Call, Miscellania, and Vox Poetica. His website is
R. Gene Turchin

Angelica is a recent college graduate who writes for the Development department of a refugee organization in New York. At home she writes her poetry and stories with her 10 plants as backdrop and her future on her tongue. She has forthcoming work in the Magnolia Review, Crack the Spine, Breadcrumbs Magazine, and Amethyst Review. Instagram: @a.w.ords Website:
Angelica Whitehorne

Growing up in the city of Chicago taught me many things, one of them was to love the people around me. As I became enamored with photography in my early twenties I was quick to gravitate towards portrait photography. That dissipated over time as my love for seeing people in their most vulnerable state (when nobody is watching) and making those moments as beautiful as possible became my drug of choice.
Ashton Alexander
Tatiana Arsénie is an artist from Berlin, Germany Her training includes techniques in printing, Byzantine art techniques, drawing and painting. Tatiana was part of numerous individual and group exhibitions, is the author of a series of projects such as which “gezeichnet.Pankow” (drawn.Pankow) and the author of two books. Web: Instagram:
Tatiana Arsénie

Currently my work in watercolor explores the elements of the natural world around us. The paintings begin with seemingly random applications of colors. Once the initial layer is dry, I look at the resulting shapes and relationships that happened from the blend of the colors. I enjoy these initial starts to my work because they have an excitement and tension between their unrelated elements. This random relationship is the ground and structure used in a drawing/design. This approach to painting gives me permission to use process to develop an idea. In letting go of pictorial logic and premeditated color, I have found freedom in developing my compositions and subject matter with a boldness in color choices. I intentionally move away from local color. My paintings, much like the world in nature, ask the viewer to make sense and order out of what we think we see. The use of several photos to compile a composition allows me to leave real subject matter, and to combine ideas found in the mix of images. Who am I as an artist in the world? I paint to contemplate, I play tennis to compete, and I am a birdwatcher waiting for a moment of surprise.
Robin Becic
Leah Browning is the author of three nonfiction books and six chapbooks of poetry and fiction. Her work has appeared in Poetry South, The Stillwater Review, Belletrist, Mojave River Review, The Forge Literary Magazine, Four Way Review, The Threepenny Review, Valparaiso Fiction Review, Watershed Review, Newfound, Random Sample Review, Superstition Review, Santa Ana River Review, The Homestead Review, and elsewhere.
Leah Browning
David Chura is the author of I Don’t Wish Nobody to Have a Life like Mine: Tales of Kids in Adult Lockup and Tightfisted Heart: A Son’s Search for Identity and Reconciliation. As a gay man, he knows about life on “the outside,” and so has worked as a teacher with young people society has marginalized for being poor, queer, a person of color, or a kid who just refuse to “fit in.” As a writer, he often brings these young voices into his work, giving them a way to be heard. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Mother Jones, Huffington Post, as well as multiple literary journals. He lives in Western Massachusetts. Visit his blog and on Twitter @RsMate
David Chura
Carlos A. DeJuana's poetry has appeared in the West Texas Literary Review, Fredericksburg Literary and Arts Review, Live Nude Poems, Synethesia, and riversEdge. A native Texan, he has lived in Washington, DC, the past 15 years. When he is not taking care of his wife and two kids or scribbling down poems, he tries to find time to take a nap.
Carlos A. DeJuana

I was born and raised on a dairy farm in central Wisconsin. I began my professional life in that fair state, and return each year to the family land. I’ve exhibited my work widely in the United States. The Queens Museum of Art, Islip Art Museum, Rahr-West Museum, Madison Art Museum, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, the University of Arizona – Tucson and the United Nations in NY have featured it. I’ve received funding from the Queens Community Arts Fund, the Greenwall Foundation, and the Women’s Studio Workshop. My work is in many public collections, including the Fort Wayne Museum of Art collection, the Spencer Collection of the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Union Gas collection, and the Rienhart Collection of Germany. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center commissioned me to create artwork for their infusion rooms in Manhattan. Montefiore Medical Center and NYU Langone Medical Center have also collected my work. I completed commissions at Public School 239 in Queens, and a 28’ x 56’ exterior mural for PS 193 in Whitestone. I am a master teaching artist and work with a wide range of institutions on a variety of educational issues. As a mid-career visual artist, I continue to exhibit and sell my work.
Instagram @kbfitzgeraldart
Karen Fitzgerald

Andrew Furman is an English professor at Florida Atlantic University and teaches in the MFA program in Creative Writing. He is the author, most recently, of the novel, Goldens Are Here (Green Writers Press 2018) and the memoir, Bitten: My Unexpected Love Affair with Florida (University Press of Florida 2014), which was named a Finalist for the ASLE Environmental Book Award. In addition, he is published in numerous shorter works of creative nonfiction, fiction, and literary journalism in such publications as The Oxford American, The Southern Review, Ecotone, Image, Poets & Writers, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Wall Street Journal,, Agni Online, Flyway, and The Florida Review. Andrew has a new novel, Jewfish, forthcoming in 2020 with Little Curlew Press. You can find out more on his website
Andrew Furman

Crystal Spring Gibbins is a Canadian-American writer, editor and founder of Split Rock Review, editor of Rewilding: Poems for the Environment (Flexible Press, 2020), and author of the full-length poetry collection NOW/HERE (Holy Cow! Press), winner of the 2017 Northeastern Minnesota Book Award for poetry. Her work has appeared in Cincinnati Review, Hayden's Ferry Review, Hobart, Minnesota Review, Parentheses, Prairie Schooner, Verse Daily, The Writer’s Almanac, among others. She holds a PhD in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and lives on the south shore of Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin. Instagram: csgibbins; Twitter: gibbins_crystal; Facebook: csgibbins
Crystal Spring Gibbins
Pushcart Prize nominee Jennifer Hambrick is the author of Unscathed and served as the inaugural Artist-in-Residence at Bryn Du Mansion, Granville, Ohio. Her poems appear in The American Journal of Poetry, Santa Clara Review, The Main Street Rag, POEM, San Pedro River Review, Maryland Literary Review, and elsewhere. Awards from NHK World TV, Haiku Society of America, and others.
Jennifer Hambrick

David B. Holton is a lifelong creative with a grab-bag of eclectic experiences & education to rummage for inspiration: he has produced films for big & small formats, penned articles for travel magazines, covered screenplays for Hollywood studios, & performed on stage for live theatre audiences. Dave enjoys crafting stories for page, stage, & screen.
For more, please visit & connect with Dave on Instagram: @writtenbydave.
David B. Holton
Susan Johnson received her MFA and PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she currently teaches writing. Poems of hers have recently appeared in North American Review, San Pedro River Review, Steam Ticket, Front Range, and SLAB. She lives in South Hadley MA and her commentaries can be heard on NEPR.
Susan Johnson

Alicia Byrne Keane is a PhD student from Ireland, working on an Irish Research Council-funded PhD study problematizing ‘vagueness’ and the ethics of translation in the writing of Samuel Beckett and Haruki Murakami, at Trinity College Dublin. Alicia’s poems have appeared in The Moth, Abridged, The Honest Ulsterman, and Entropy. Twitter: keane_byrne
Alicia Byrne Keane
Larew's fourth collection, Undone (FootHills Publishing), appeared in 2018. He leads an initiative to bring poetry to the anti-hunger cause -- He can be found on Facebook at Hiram Larew, Poet.
Hiram Larew

Jonny Baltazar Lipshin is a writer based in Dorchester, MA. His essays and features have appeared in Flaunt Magazine. He is an MFA Candidate at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where he is also a Graduate Teaching Fellow.
“Dissent” is Jonny’s first work of fiction to be published.
Jonny Baltazar Lipshin

Monica S. Macansantos holds an MFA in Writing from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas, and a PhD in Creative Writing from the Victoria University of Wellington. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Anomaly, failbetter, WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly, TAYO, Another Chicago Magazine, and Vol.1 Brooklyn, among other places. Her work has been recognized as notable in The Best American Essays 2016 and has made the Top 25 in Glimmer Train's Fiction Open. She has recently completed a novel and a collection of short stories.
Monica S. Macansantos
By day I am professor of literature and women's studies and have been for fifteen years; by night I am a writer working in various genres. Most of my publications up until now have been academic in nature, though I have had several monologues published by Heinemann and performed internationally. My academic work in literature and women's studies strongly influences the poems published in this issue, which identify women only by their husbands' names but give them a private voice from underneath this name. I am grateful for the opportunity to share them here. I can be found on instagram @c.b.mcclintock
c. b. mcclintock
Lance Milham received his MFA from the University of Central Florida. He writes from his home on Florida's Space Coast, and his work has previously appeared in Soft Cartel, Anti-Heroin Chic, Back Patio Press, and The Pinkley Press. Find him at or on Twitter: @lancemilham
Lance Milham

Keith Nunes (Aotearoa/New Zealand) was nominated for Best Small Fictions 2019, the Pushcart Prize, and has won the Flash Frontier Short Fiction Award. He’s had poetry, fiction, haiku and visuals published around the globe. He creates to stay sane.
Keith Nunes

Jan’s poetry and art continues to be published in Australia and the United States, through Universities, in journals and on line. She loves poetry competitions, open readings and sells her paintings at art shows. Jan is sometimes asked to provide art for Literary covers. She studies Thought Distraction in regard to Depression. She lives in Victoria Australia.
Jan Price

Kurt Schmidt published the autobiographical novel, Annapolis Misfit, when he was twenty-seven and then spent many years as a technical writer while raising his family and writing a memoir about becoming a dad at forty-seven. After retirement, he wrote memoirs about his vagabond relationships in Europe and another about a dysfunctional childhood. Excerpts appearing in various journals can be viewed at
Kurt Schmidt

A retired educator, Dave Sims makes art and music in the old mountains of central Pennsylvania. His digital art and comix appear in dozens of tangible and virtual publications, galleries and exhibitions. His fiction collection The Carcass & Other Stories is now available from Raw Art Review/Uncollected Press and 21, a wild folding map chapbook, from the A3 Press and Review. Experience more at st Century Myth Family (
Instagram: tincansims
Dave Sims

Kimm Brockett Stammen's writings have appeared or are forthcoming in Pembroke, Typehouse, Rosebud, Crack the Spine, Atticus Review, Ponder Review and others. She received a 2nd Place Award in Typehouse's 2019 Short Story Contest, and was shortlisted for the Eyelands International Short Story Prize. She holds an MFA from Spalding University. You can find out more on her website at
Kimm Brockett Stammen
Sarah Valeika is a poet whose works have been featured and are forthcoming in Eunoia Review, Panoplyzine, Dying Dahlia Review, Red Fez and others. Sarah is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Hippopotamus Literary Magazine at Yale University.
Sarah Valeika

Willie Wilson is a graduate student at Old Dominion University. He hopes one day to have a collection of poems to read to his children's children. He views poetry as a way to connect to all aspects of the human spirit. He has previously been published in The Barely South Review.
Willie Wilson

Dariana Alvarez was born on October 1, 2001 in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. She currently lives in Florida where she spends most of her time writing poetry. Her work has appeared in the Elan Student Literary Magazine and Bridge Eight. She also has a self-published collection of poems titled: "The Bird Knew God." Find out more about her at Instagram: @dariana.marii
Dariana Alvarez
Elsa Asher is a queer and trans poet and practitioner of somatics and ritual, with a focus on narrative medicine and healing developmental and intergenerational trauma. They taught Narrative Medicine at Columbia University and Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, and their work has been published in Mom Egg Review, The Intima, and Matter Press. Elsa was born and grew up on Duwamish land, and currently lives on Lenape land. Find out more about Elsa at and on instagram: @tendernessftw
Elsa Asher
Charlie Becker is a retired speech and language specialist who studies and writes poetry with the Community Literature Initiative in Los Angeles. His poems seek to sensitize about issues facing the LGBT-Q community and disabled seniors. Some of Charlie's poems have been published by Passager, Rush Magazine (Mount St. Mary's University), Linden Avenue Literary, and the Dandelion Review. He lives in West Hollywood, California.
Charlie Becker

Bill Bruce is a writer/director currently living in the Northeast United States with his family, spending his days working on a collection of short stories and a film. Bill’s work appeared recently in Lunate, Mud Season Review and was awarded first place in the 2019 Streetlight Magazine's Short Fiction Contest. You can find out more on his website
Bill Bruce

Chelsey Clammer is the author of Circadian (winner of the Red Hen Press Nonfiction Manuscript Award) and BodyHome. She is a Pushcart Prize-nominated essayist who has been published in Brevity, Salon, The Rumpus, Hobart, The Normal School, Essay Daily, The Water~Stone Review, and Black Warrior Review, among many others. She teaches creative writing online with WOW! Women On Writing. Clammer holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Rainier Writing Workshop. You can read more of her writing at:
Chelsey Clammer

Jillian J. Ellis is an artist and photographer originally from Dayton, Ohio. In 2011, she earned her B.F.A. in Art Photography from Syracuse University. Her work uses self-portraiture, found images, and digital photography to explore deep human emotion, the body, and memory. She lives in Santa Barbara, California. Find her work on or follow her on Instagram at @jillianjellisart.
Jillian J. Ellis

Alfred Fournier is an entomologist and community volunteer living in Phoenix, Arizona. He coordinates poetry workshops and open mics for a local nonprofit. His poetry and prose have appeared in The New Verse News, Deluge, Plainsongs, Lunch Ticket, The Main Street Rag and elsewhere.
Alfred Fournier
Jamie Gage is a poet, editor and songwriter whose work has been published in dozens of periodicals and literary journals including Main Street Rag, Inkwell, Wordrunner, Out of Line, Mountain Gazette, Powhatan Review, and others. His first book of poems True If Destroyed (2015) is available from Finishing Line Press and on Amazon. His debut CD, "Earth Turns" (2017), is also available on Amazon. Twitter: @jamiegage Instagram: jgagevt
Jamie Gage

Benjamin Green is the author of 11 books including The Field Notes of a Madman. At the age of 63 he hopes his new work articulates a mature vision of the world and does so with some integrity. He resides in New Mexico.
Benjamin Green
Natalie Harris-Spencer is an English writer, digital editor, and blogger living in America. She is pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing at Stonecoast, University of Southern Maine, and is currently working on her debut novel, a psychological suspense set in London and Wales. Her work has appeared in The Drabble and the Archipelago Fiction Anthology. She's thrilled to be included in ORP's Emerging Voices in Fiction. Natalie enjoys surprise in fiction. And tea.
Twitter: @NRHarrisSpencer
Instagram: @natalieharrisspencer
Natalie Harris-Spencer

Tiffany Hsieh was born in Taiwan and immigrated to Canada at the age of fourteen with her parents. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Salamander, The Shanghai Literary Review, Atticus Review, Poet Lore, Sonora Review, the Apple Valley Review, and other publications. She lives in southern Ontario with her husband and their dog.
Tiffany Hsieh

Jamie Collins Kahn is a writer and yoga instructor with a BA in English and Writing from Cedar Crest College. Her work has been featured in Rag Queen Periodical and The Hunger. In 2019 she was selected as a winner of The Sound Inside writing contest for fiction. She is also a contributing editor for Crooked Arrow Press.
Social media: Instagram, @jam_pixie
Jamie Collins Kahn
Joel is a graduate in Journalism from the University of South Florida, currently living in Tampa. He has been writing regularly since high school, primarily in the realm of science fiction, with a deep fixation on artificial intelligence. He has previously written feature articles for Halftime Magazine, and “After the End” (Issue 4.1) is his first professionally published work. He can be found on Twitter at @youmustbejking.
Joel King
Trudy Lewis is the author of the novels The Empire Rolls (Moon City Press) and Private Correspondences (Goyen Prize, TriQuarterly/Northwestern) as well as the short story collection The Bones of Garbo, winner of the Sandstone Prize in Short Fiction (Ohio State University Press). Her fiction has appeared in American Short Fiction, Atlantic Monthly, Best American Short Stories, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, New England Review, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, and others. Trudy is a professor of English/Creative Writing at the University of Missouri. Find her at
Trudy Lewis

Christy Lorio is pursuing an MFA in Photography from The University of New Orleans, where she also holds an MFA in Creative Writing. Her photos often center around details of places she travels to or from the swamps she grew up in on the outskirts of New Orleans. Her writing and photography can be seen in or is forthcoming in Seafoam Magazine, 433 Magazine, Bad Pony and Saw Palm Lit, among others. Catch her on Twitter at @christylorio, on Instagram at @christyloriophotography and on Medium at
Christy Lorio

Katharyn Howd Machan writes poetry on her dragon patio when weather allows and everywhere else when it doesn’t. As a full professor in the Department of Writing at Ithaca College she mentors students in fairy-tale-based creative writing courses. Her most recent publications are What the Piper Promised (AQP, 2018) and A Slow Bottle of Wine (The Comstock Writers, Inc., 2020).
Katharyn Howd Machan

Megan McCormack’s poems and prose have appeared in Vagina :: The Zine, The Bluest Aye, Thimble, and Janus. She earned her MFA in Fiction from the University of Missouri—St. Louis and her MA in Literature from the University of Missouri—Kansas City. Megan is an upper elementary teacher at a Montessori school in Illinois. Instagram: pear_and_thyme Blog:
Megan McCormack

Robert A. Morris lives near Baton Rouge and works as a teacher. Besides poetry, he also writes fiction and bashes out the occasional song on his blue Stratocaster. A recent poem of his has been selected to appear in the upcoming Lummox Poetry Anthology. His work has appeared in The Main Street Rag, Pear Noir, and The Chaffin Review among others.
Robert A. Morris

Giacomo 'Jack' Ortizano is a philosopher, educator, journalist and mental-health counselor. A visually-impaired Nuyorican, he was born and reared in the South Bronx. Ortizano holds a Ph.D. in mass communication from Ohio University. He lives in Texarkana, Texas, and can be reached at
Giacomo ‘Jack’ Ortizano

Bette Ridgeway is best known for her large-scale, luminous poured canvases that push the boundaries of light, color and design. Her youth spent in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York and her extensive global travel filled have informed her colorful palette. For the past two decades, the high desert light of Santa Fe, NM has fueled Ridgeway’s art practice. Her three decades of mentorship by the acclaimed Abstract Expressionist Paul Jenkins set her on her lifetime journey of non-objective painting on large canvas. She explores the interrelation and change of color in various conditions and on a variety of surfaces. Her artistic foundations in line drawing, watercolor, graphic design, and oils gave way to acrylics, which she found to be more versatile for her layering technique. Ridgeway has spent the last 30 years developing her signature technique, called “layering light,” in which she uses many layers of thin, transparent acrylics on linen and canvas to produce a fluidity and viscosity similar to traditional watercolor. Delving further, Ridgeway expanded her work into 3D, joining paint and resin to aluminum and steel with sculptures of minimal towers. Ridgeway depicts movement in her work, sometimes kinetic and full of emotion, sometimes bold and masterful, sometimes languid and tentative. She sees herself as the channel, the work coming it comes through her but it is not hers. It goes out into the world – it has a life of its own. In her four decade career, Bette Ridgeway has exhibited her work globally with over 80 museums, universities and galleries, including: Palais Royale, Paris and Embassy of Madagascar. Multiple prestigious awards include Top 60 Contemporary Masters, Leonardo DaVinci Prize, and Oxford University Alumni Prize at Chianciano Art Museum, Tuscany, Italy. Mayo Clinic and Federal Reserve Bank are amongst Ridgeway’s permanent public placements, in addition to countless important private collections. Many books and publications have featured her work, among them: International Contemporary Masters and 100 Famous Contemporary Artists. Ridgeway has also penned several books about her art and process. @ridgewayart
Instagram: ridgewaystudio
Bette Ridgeway

Karen Halvorsen Schreck is the author of the historical novels Broken Ground, called a “masterfully written . . . must-read” by USA Today, and Sing For Me, described by Publisher’s Weekly as “an impressive debut…a well-wrought and edifying page-turner," along with two novels for young adults and a book for children. Her short stories, interviews, and essays have appeared in magazines and journals including Hypertext Magazine, The Rumpus, Belt, and Image. The recipient of a Pushcart Prize and an Illinois State Arts Council Grant, Karen received her doctorate in English and Creative Writing from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She lives with her family just outside Chicago. Connect with Karen via her website or at
Karen Halvorsen Schreck
Maui Smith is a junior studying Information Science and Creative Writing at the University of Pittsburgh. They are currently working as a Technical Writer Co-Op at ANSYS Inc, and a Spring 2020 intern at Study Breaks magazine. They are currently based out of Pittsburgh, PA, but are originally from Maple Heights, Ohio.
Maui Smith

Michelle M. Tokarczyk has published two books of poetry: The House I'm Running From (West End Press) and Bronx Migrations (Cherry Castle Publishing). Her poems have also appeared in numerous journals and anthologies; including the Minnesota review, The Literary Review, Masque & Spectacle, Unearthed, Chelsea Community News, and For a Living: The Poetry of Work. Tokarczyk was born and raised in New York City in a working-class family. She earned a doctorate in English and for many years taught at Goucher College, commuting between Baltimore and New York City. Now retired, she lives and works full-time in New York. Her twitter handle is mmtokarczyk1. For more information on her work, see
Michelle M. Tokarczyk
I am a self-taught artist, inspired by nature, human vulnerability and global issues. I taught literature as a PhD candidate at UC Davis before segueing into tech. Since 2017, I have participated in group shows and my artwork can be found throughout the US. Currently, I am a studio artist at Root Division in SF.
Melissa Wang

Pei Ja Anderson is a writer and undergraduate student pursuing a B.A. in Writing and Literature within the College of Creative Studies, an honors program, at UC Santa Barbara. Her work has been published in Laurel Moon at Brandeis University and the Mochila Review at Western Missouri State University. She publishes opinion articles in the Daily Nexus, the UCSB campus newspaper. Pei Ja is originally from the Bay Area, but currently lives in Santa Barbara.
Pei Ja Anderson

Priscilla Atkins is the author of The Café of Our Departure (Sibling Rivalry Press). Her poems have appeared in Shenandoah, Poetry London, The Los Angeles Review and other journals. Before Covid-19, she was substitute teaching and hopes to be in classrooms, again, some day.
Priscilla Atkins

Elizabeth is a writer of poetry, short stories and essays. Some of her work can be found in Existere Journal, EVENT Magazine and Open Minds Quarterly, among others. She is also a doctoral student at the University of Toronto where she studies creative writing and education. She can be found on Instagram @elizabethboltonwriting
Elizabeth Bolton

Gregory Caso is a graduate of Bucknell University with an honors degree in creative writing. He is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at Hofstra University. He works primarily in prose and poetry, and his work has previously been published in Mistake House, Diodata, and Fire and Ice. He finds photography to evoke a blend of words and emotions.
Gregory Caso

Linda Collins, a New Zealander based in Singapore, is the author of the memoir Loss Adjustment (Ethos Books, 2019; forthcoming with Awa Press, 2020); and a poetry collection, Sign Language for the Death of Reason (forthcoming with Math Paper Press). She has an MA in Creative Writing from the International Institute of Modern Letters, New Zealand, and was shortlisted for the Hachette Australia Trans-Tasman mentorship. Publications in which her work has appeared include Cordite, Swamp, Turbine, The Fib Review, Flash Frontier, The Blue Nib, and Prometheus Dreaming. Her handles are: Twitter: @lindacwrite Insta: @kindofblugreen FB: Linda Collins Photo credit: Malcolm McLeod
Linda Collins

Barbara Felton is a farmer and writer in Warwick, New York. She began writing creative nonfiction in 2014 following careers in psychology (NYU, Department of Psychology) and mental health administration. Her personal essays, on matters of farm life, grief and mental illness, have been published in journals including Psychiatric Services, skirt!, Dirt Magazine, Duende, Pulse, HerStry, Tupelo Quarterly (contest finalist), and The Southampton Review.
Barbara Felton
Alex Robert Franco is a writer from Atlanta, GA. He studied literature at Bard College and the Sorbonne. His work can be found at
Alex Robert Franco
Steviee Geagan is an emerging writer born and raised all around the Western Pennsylvania area. He has appeared in Pulp, The Siren, and was a finalist in the Roadrunner Review’s 2019 Writing Contest. When Steviee isn’t reading submissions for BatCat Press or Pulp, he desperately pleads with his well-loved Mr. Coffee to brew enough joe to last the night.
Steviee Geagan
An editor, writer, and poet, Charles Grosel lives in Arizona. He has published stories in Western Humanities Review, Red Cedar Review, Water-Stone, and The MacGuffin as well as poems in Slate, The Threepenny Review, Poet Lore, and Harpur Palate, among others. To pay the bills, Charles owns the communications firm, Write for Success.
Charles Grosel

Jessica Hertz has a B.A. from Columbia University and an M.A. in Theatre from Hunter College of CUNY. She has work published and forthcoming in Pembroke Magazine, Emrys Journal Online, and Akashic Book’s Fri-SciFi series and was a finalist in the Iceland Writers Retreat’s 2019 competition. You can follow her on Twitter @_Blerg
Jessica Hertz

Betsy is a twenty-year-old artist and writer from south India. Her work has been published in magazines like The Claremont Review, Canvas, Polyphony H.S. and After the Pause, among others.
instagram: @betsyjenf
Betsy Jenifer

Mike Karpa is a queer San Francisco writer and translator of Japanese and Chinese. His fiction and memoir has appeared in literary magazines such as Tahoma Literary Review, Tin House, Chaleur, Sixfold and Faultline. He is most recently interested in the difference between passing and fitting in. You can find out more on his website
Mike Karpa

Elizabeth Kirschner is a writer and Master Gardener. She's published six volumes of poetry and an award-winning memoir Waking the Bones. “Everyone Needs a Place” (Issue 4.1) is from her short story collection, Only the Dead Suffer Butter. She lives in Maine. Find her at
Elizabeth Kirschner

Christopher Linforth has recently published fiction in Epiphany, Hotel Amerika, Fiction International, Notre Dame Review, Day One, and Descant, among other magazines. He has been awarded fellowships and scholarships to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Vermont Studio Center, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Find him at
Christopher Linforth

Elias Lowe is a queer non-fiction writer and poet based in Pittsburgh, PA. They recently graduated with a degree in Creative Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and they're currently working as a substitute teacher. Elias's poems have been featured in multiple literary magazines including Cosmonauts Avenue and After the Pause. When not working, Elias spends their time exploring what it means to be human through creative writing and community building.
Elias Lowe
Rebecca Macijeski holds a PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has attended artist residencies with The Ragdale Foundation, The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, and Art Farm Nebraska. She has also worked for Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry newspaper column, as an Assistant Editor in Poetry for the literary journals Prairie Schooner and Hunger Mountain, and is the recipient of a 2012 Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Prize. Her poems have appeared in The Missouri Review, Poet Lore, Barrow Street, Nimrod, The Journal, Sycamore Review, Potomac Review, Storyscape, Fairy Tale Review, Puerto del Sol, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Gargoyle, and many others. Rebecca is Creative Writing Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor at Northwestern State University. Visit her online at
Rebecca Macijeski

John Means has published haiku, short stories, poems, novel excerpts, and two geological guidebooks—Maryland’s Catoctin Mountain Parks and Roadside Geology of Maryland, Delaware and Washington, D. C.
John Means

Emmy Newman is a MFA candidate at the University of Idaho. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Witness, Yemassee, New Ohio Review, Cream City Review, and elsewhere. She has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes, and currently serves as the poetry editor for Fugue.
Emmy Newman

A Best Small Fictions 2015 Winner, Dave Petraglia's writing and art has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, bohemianizm, Cheap Pop, Crab Fat, Crack the Spine, Five:2:One, Gambling the Aisle, Gravel, Hayden's Ferry Review, matchbook, Medium, McSweeney's, Mojave River Review, Necessary Fiction, North American Review, Per Contra, Points in Case, Prairie Schooner, Popular Science, Razed, SmokeLong Quarterly, Up the Staircase, and others. His blog is at
Dave Petraglia

Meisha Rosenberg is a nonfiction writer and poet whose arts criticism won an Association of Alternative Newsweeklies Award. Published in AlterNet, Bitch, the Women's Review of Books, Literary Mama, Salon, the Rumpus, SLAB, the Saranac Review, Cold Mountain Review, Caesura, and others, she earned an MFA from New York University and is currently at work on a jazz biography. For more information, go to:
Meisha Rosenberg

Mai Serhan’s writing has appeared in Anomaly, Heirlock, ArabLit Quarterly, Jadaliyya, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of the Magda al-Nowaihi Graduate Student Award in Gender Studies and the Madalyn Lamont Literary Award by the American University in Cairo, a Vermont Studio Center Merit Grant, and the Emerging Writer Award from Wellstone Center in the Redwoods. Mai is currently enrolled in the MSt program in Creative Writing at the University of Oxford.
Mai Serhan
David Spicer has poems in Tipton Poetry Journal, Santa Clara Review, Reed Magazine, The Literary Nest, Synaeresis, Gargoyle, Third Wednesday, Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere. His work has been nominated for Best of the Net three times and a Pushcart. He is the author of Everybody Has a Story, Waiting for the Needle Rain, and six chapbooks.
Dave Spicer

Annie Trinh is an MFA fiction candidate at the University of Kansas. A VONA and Kundiman fellow, she has been published in the A3 Literary Review, Litro Magazine Online, Emrys Journal Online, and Gravel.
Annie Trinh
Michael Weber is a poet from Binghamton, New York. He earned an MFA in Creative Writing from University of Tampa and MA in English from Binghamton University. Prior to graduate studies, he savored a career as a professional hockey player in Turkey and New Zealand. His poetry has appeared in Driftwood Press, Oberon Poetry Magazine, and Great Lakes Review.