Molly O'Dell
Oyster River Pages: What inspired you to begin writing or creating? Has that source of inspiration changed throughout your life?
Molly O’Dell: My daughter, one of the most well-read people I know, inspired me to begin writing creatively. For this I am most grateful.
ORP: Does writing or creating energize or exhaust you? What aspects of your artistic process would you consider the most challenging or rewarding?
MO: I can't not write. Writing energizes me, for sure. I actually enjoy every aspect of writing from inspiration and drafting to revision and submitting. Each step requires different energy but the initial drafting is the closest thing I claim as a spiritual practice.
ORP: What do you hope readers (or your audience) will take away from your creative work?
MO: I recently read a quote by Zachary F Forrest Salazar, "I believe poetry, it its highest form, should raise the collective consciousness of humanity." I hope a reader of my creative work will experience some tiny bit of consciousness raising.
ORP: How does writing/art influence your worldview, and how does your worldview shape your writing/art?
MO: Writing is an expression of living in this world and writing definitely helps me objectify what the world has to offer.