We all collect, create, and carry around a myriad of lenses that help us understand the human experience. Some of us have envious collections of lenses—some real, some borrowed, some imagined, some given to us, some delightfully worn by years of experiences, some singular, some fish-eyed, some in sharp contrast and focus—and others enjoy a lighter, minimalist collection. In this section I hope you will find images that challenge you to examine your lenses, clean them off, be fully cognizant of their existence, try on others and come to a richer understanding of yourself and your world. I hope you fully immerse yourself in the waves of emotions they evoke, especially those you have not let yourself feel for some time. This is not a one-time experience. I hope you come back and visit them after time has afforded you different views through other lenses.

Anna B. Jordan
Visual Arts Editor


The Art
